Saturday, November 12, 2011

Is this a sign of miscarriage?

i am about 5 and a half weeks pregnant and had some symptoms of frequent urination, breasts were a little bigger (but not sore), craving meats, and felt exhausted 2 days in a row. Well then about 2 days ago I went to the bathroom and saw two light brown spots on my pantyliner but it wasn't there when i wiped. last night when i laid down to sleep i laid down on my right side and shortly after doing so i had sharp cramping, i rolled over and it went away. i have had slight cramping like a period is coming on for about a week now and since the brown spotting i haven't really felt the same symptoms, or new ones this all normal, or could this be something wrong? i am not asking for a diagnosis, merely just advice from WOMEN who have experienced something similar before. My husband and I are really hoping things are ok, any advice would be greatly appreciated, as well as prayers if you will! Thank you so much in advance!|||spotting is super common in early pregnancy. Brown blood is old blood, it could have been from implantation that only just worked its way out now.

Pregnancy symptoms in some woman's cases vary from one day to the next. If you find that one position is uncomfortable, always switch to one that isn't. If you're concerned, make sure you're getting lots of water, lots of rest, and avoid sex until you're sure there is no bleeding happening.

Cramping isnt always a bad sign, cramping AND bleeding (red blood) are generally not good signs. Try not to stress too much, its still early in the game and your body is adjusting to having another being inside of it.

Ive miscarried 3 times. Each time I had lower abdominal pain a lot of the time, and had spotting which increased into bleeding. Watch whats happening with your body and if you feel things are getting worse, don't hesitate to seek medical attention.

Good luck|||dont worry gurl cuz that affects your baby anything you feel your baby feels it to and ur probably thinking to much but brown little blood dosent mean anything it could be a threat but just dont walk to many stairs or do to much exercise for now rest as much as possible it cant be implantation bleeding cuz implantation bleeding takes place around 2 weeks of pregnacy when your suppose to expect your missed period|||im sure everything is ok.... my pregnancy symptoms stop and started all the time dont worry unless u have red bleeding and really bad constant cramping...gdluck|||sounds like it could be implantation bleeding..

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