Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to make my bathroom warmer?

I really need help.

My bathroom is cold, everytime when I go in to have a shower, facial, it's torture.

How to make my bathroom warmer?

*I cannot turn the central heat hotter. I cannot stand the heat and the dryness. I have allergy.

*I cannot bring a portable heater into the bathroom, it will cause electric shock and kill me %26gt;%26lt;! (and my bathroom is quite small, cannot fit in any big things, very tiny table)

*My bathroom got a window, we close during the long winter.

what else can I do to make my bathroom warmer?

Is there some kind of light bulb that will make the bathroom warmer? is it sunlight bulb? Will the sunlight bulb give me a sun tan, I don't want sun tan. Any special light bulb that will produce heat, but not give sun tan?

The place where we place the bulb are very close to the wall(it's not on the celling,it's on the side wall like this @=+=@ )2 light bulb @ @ if I put the hot bulb near, will it do some damage to the wall?|||You can buy heat lamp bulbs at any WalMart or Ag feed store. You can also buy an extension adapter that screws into your light socket so the bulb is not so close to your wall. I have one, I love it. I will keep the room warmer and will not give you a suntan.|||Do you have baseboard heat? If not, try turning on the shower first to warm the water up %26amp; shut the door to the bath. I do this in the a.m. %26amp; go get my morning drink. The bath is ceramic tile, very cold in the winter. You could add some thick bath rugs in there too.|||strong wall. steam will help when you take bath- temperorory|||Buy a heater and place it in your bathroom. Like one of those ionic heaters.|||Put in warm color paint.

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