Saturday, November 12, 2011

How do you transition from a wood floor to linoleum?

We had hardwood flooring put in but where it meets the linoleum in the bathroom, they left a gap instead of having wood cover the edge of the linoleum. Its only wide enough to maybe slide a quarter in at the widest end, but if they would have extended the wood a 1/2" more it would have been more than enough to cover the linoleum edge. They did come back and caulk it, but it just doesn't look nicely finished to me. Is this a common practice to leave a small gap rather than overlapping the linoleum?|||U have to leave room for expansion but not the size of a quarter. Maybe an oversized transition piece may help to better cover gap|||You can get transition strip in your local hardware store that will cover the gap. Look at what's available and see which one will work best for your configuration.

Normally, the gap required for expansion is covered by a decorative transition strip. Apparently they didn't do it in your case.|||ohhhhh, little baby. caulk/ grout/ get a little threshold. ARE YOU JOKING? what did you pay, little to nothing?/ please.|||I put an oak strip about 1/2 inch high between my oak floor and the linoleum. It makes a nice looking transition and if water ever gets spilled in the bath the strip stops it from getting onto my oak floor.|||Just get a transition strip that matches the wood flooring. You can get these at any big box store.

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