Saturday, November 12, 2011

-->> A BAT pee my head-face? IS IT DANGEROUS? Worried...?

So I was watering the garden and is 9.30pm....I was walking around...and stood for a while under a fruit tree and some coconut trees...I would say 75% under the coconut tree and 25% under the orange tree. Suddenly I felt like if it was about to rain...and I put my arms wide open to see if it was REALLY raining...and no...

After 5 seconds of thinking...I thought "a bird pooed my head"but after 10 seconds after I touched my head and face with my hand to see if it was poo...nope...nothing...just WET...

So I went inside and took off my shirt since it was wet with some drops...and smelled like pee but weird...I went to the bathroom and washed my face and shamppoooooed my hair in the sink...washed my head and face for about 1 minutes...

So...I went and searched the web to see if bat pee is dangerous...and some sites say it is and others say that not the pee itself but what IT could grow...MOLD...and that is poisonous..

IS IT DANGEROUS in my situation?

I know it may sound a bit overracting but...SOMETHING pee my head and face!

note: I say its a bat since ive seen these fellows flting at night over my front yard back and forth..

HELP|||no, it's harmless, just wash it and you'll be fine, it'll only grow mold and bad things if it festers, like on a basement floor or something|||Relax. You washed your face...youll be okay...|||you already mentioned that you washed your face and shampoo your hairs. So there is no need to worry for now. You are perfectly alright. Just relax and enjoy the most. have fun with your loved ones.

Tk cre

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