Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why does my cat watch me while I'm dropping a deuce?

whenever I go to take a dump or a leak my cat will follow me into the bathroom then sit on the ground and watch me. He also watched me yesterday when I was having sex with my gf. Even when I have a shower.

why does he keep watching me doing these activities?|||Because he looooooooves you|||he obviously wishes he was you. you probably fixed the poor bastard and now he can't have sex. pity.|||Probably wonders why you don't lick yourself clean! Use a box and cover it up with your hands, and jumping on your friend. He must think persons are soooo. strange!|||Because you keep leaving the door open|||That's most cats. If it makes you feel better about the bathroom part all three of my cats try and get in my lap while I'm doing my biz and if I won't let them they start scratching at the door and crying at me.

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